We are a local fellowship of Christians who belong together as a family church, part of God’s worldwide family. About 350 people of all ages and backgrounds meet at RBC each Sunday. We are an inclusive church with full wheelchair access and have a large and lively children’s and youth programme.
At RBC, hundreds of children come through our doors every single week for Sunday and midweek groups, as well as special events, including our annual summer Holiday Club. We'd love to welcome your child to our church!
Our dedicated youth facility, The Sidewalk, is home to Roots and Refine - our groups that run from year 7 upwards. Our teens also take part in weekends away and head to other churches and festivals from time to time to learn more about God's love for them.
pastoral care
As a church family, RBC is committed to caring for people who are part of our church and our community. Our ministers, pastoral co-ordinator and pastoral assistants play a vital role in expressing God's love to all. Click here to see our Pastoral Care Policy, and here to see our Good Practice Guidelines. If you'd like to talk, we'd love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us.
small groups
Our Small Groups are a vital part of church life. We offer a range of groups, on different days and times, to suit everyone, whatever your age or background. Everyone is encouraged to join a group, and we'd love to find one to suit your needs.
Alpha is a free, friendly and informal way for anyone to explore the Christian faith. There's a video, a discussion, fun - and there's even food! Our next course is starting soon, so find out more by clicking below, or sign up for our next course here!
global mission
At RBC, we see our mission as based in our local community, but through the church, we support more than just our area. Find out why, and discover more about our international mission partners.
spiritual gifts
We believe that one of the great blessings Jesus has given to his church and to us as individuals is the gifts of the Spirit. When we use our gifts together, the church grows and we all benefit. Find out more about what those gifts are, and how to find out which ones God has given you!
safe to belong
We operate all our groups and activities in line with 'Safe to Belong'.
‘Safe to Belong’ offers guidance to churches in membership with the Baptist Union of Great Britain in adopting and implementing safeguarding policies and procedures in their work with adults at risk.
You can read more about our safeguarding policies and procedures here.